Comparison between Input & Output Devices

Comparison between Input & Output Devices

What is Input and Output Devices?

Input and output devices allow the computer system to interact with the outside world by moving data into and out of the system. Input and Output are the devices which help a computer to process its data and give it new information. Inputs and outs put devices are very important for a computer system because the whole work of the computer is controlled by the input and output devices. Let's describe them one by one.

Inputs Devices:

An input device is used to bring data into the system. This kinds of devices help us to connect to the computer some input devices are:
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Microphone
  • Bar code reader
  • Graphics tablet
  • MIDI keyboard
  • Punch card reader
  • Scanner

Output Devices:
An output device is used to send data out of the system. Some output devices are:
  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Speaker
A network interface acts as both input and output. Data flows from the network into the computer, and out of the computer into the network.

Relation Between Inputs and Outputs Devices:

As an example, the key switch inputs on a keyboard that are labeled A, M, I, T could cause a screen output device to emit light that shows the word AMIT  in a document. Or they could move an imagined avatar through a 3D world displayed by light from the TV screen. Or they could cause the motors on a drone to change speed by a radio-controlled motor so the drone moves through the real world. We can give more example of it Like we control the drone by the remote control device so is also an example of inputs and outputs devices.

Input Vs Output:

The difference between input and output devices is simple. As the names suggest, input devices allow data to be pulled into a computer, and output devices share data with the outside world. Whether a computer is a smartphone, desktop, laptop or mainframe, it typically has both input and output devices.Input devices are necessary for a computer to receive commands from its users and data to process. Output devices are necessary for a computer to share their results and prompt users for more information and commands.


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