Digital World, Software and the People.


What is Software?                           
       In 21st Century which is also called the century of Globalization and the century of Computer Technology. From the very basic of Computer, it has only two major parts one is Software and another is Hardware. If we look at the Human body structure, we can find that our brain is Controlling our whole body, similarly, software is the things which control the whole computer system. It’s controlled the computer system as a director, instructor or so on. On the other hand, Hardware is the things which make the structure of a Computer. According to IEEE software is a Collection of Computer programs, rules, and associated documentation and data.”  In General word, Software is some sort of written programs which can make computer understandable of its work.

What’s the Classification of Software?
  •     There are two Categories of Software, the first one is System Software & the second one is Application Software. As their name is different there are lots of differences in there work also.

System Software:

  •        System Software is one kind of Software that controls the internal operation of a Computer System. Actually, it’s a group of programs which is very responsible for using the resources effectively. If we take a look in our daily life we can easily understand where is System Software work. We are using our Computer there is a System Software which is controlling our computer which is also called Operating System like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, Unix etc. and Antivirus, Disk Formatting, and the most popular Android is also a System Software. On the other hand. You may find them like this
Application Software:

         Application Software is any program or group of programs which is designed for specific work for the user. In short, Application Software is one kind of program which is work on the interest of its user, a user can use it according to his/her need. There is a lot of Application Software, every day we use them. Let’s talk about some example: Nowadays, Facebook is the most popular Application Software which can help users to connect with friends and family no matter where they are. Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Adobe Photoshop, Visual Studio, Google Chrome, Picasa etc. are very well-known Application Software. Your friend maybe told you like this ....

What are the Relations between Software and People?

      Every creation, every discovery or invention is made for human benefits, for making new and advance creative world people are always working. Day by day, people are being dependent on software and computer technology. Most of the people’s lives, the software has a great contribution. As it is an era of globalization and unity. One can share his or her view, culture and so on from one country to the whole world. That’s the reason people from a different country can know each other’s very well for the help of a computer system and software. One can know what happens to a thousand miles away from him by seating in his drawing room. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram etc. are the software which helps us to stay connected. There are thousands of software which are made for human benefits.

How Software Help People?

  •     If we want to describe the importance of software in our life, we can say that software & computer system are the motion of our future. As time is changing and the world is becoming more advanced and more creative people don’t want to do their work as they do before. That’s the reason software takes the jobs to do our work. Nowadays the people who have a lot of work to survive in this world, they don’t even get the time to go to the market to buy their essential things to use, but the software on help this field. One can order his or her desired items by using the mobile application which is a software. This is just a simple example which is very common to us.

There are lots of ways of how software help people like:

1.    Accelerating healthcare progress:

  • In this century as people became more advance so, healthcare is very important to live a better life, Software, and computer technology are the thing which helps us to improve our healthcare system. At present anyone from any parts of the can meet the doctor by using advanced technology and software is the backbone of it. Tele-medicine is very useful for this which control by software. Now, people don’t need to go to the doctor's chamber for treatment they can seat in their home and can get their desire. Healthcare. Every country is improving its healthcare like America, UK, German, Japan etc. country starts healthcare app to provide health-related information to their people. Even this software can record the doctor’s prescription, reports, and all other things.



  •   “Education is the Backbone of a nation” No nation can progress without education. Every day people discover and invent6 a lot of things and student should have knowledge about those kinds of topics. If we follow the traditional way of learning we can’t make us advance and competitive to the modern world. That’s the reason we need computer technology to improve our self-according to the modern world. Some software is only made for educational benefits like 10minitues School, Biju, Udemy etc. Some government makes some software to help their student in learning. And some are for international like NASA.  Now, a student doesn’t need to go their institution for the result they can get it in their hand by using the software.

3.Expanding communication:

  •   As it the century of globalization all over the world needs to communicate each other the benefits of them that’d the reason software are used in communication sectors, nowadays communication technology is becoming more easier than ever before and it became satiable and cheaper than before. One can easily use lots of communication software and most of them are free or at a very low cost. In every state of life can take advantage of this technology because of being cheap and more trusted. People are interconnected all over the world clicking in a button in his device. There is lots of software for maintaining communication from people to people like Facebook, Messenger, Twitter etc. The family is being connected with family members, Friends are being connected with a friend, the businessman is being connected to each other by using software and digital technology.

  • 4. Self-Dependent People:  

       Every country is now trying to make her people more advance and more work effective, And IT sector is the new way to improve people self-dependent policy. Lots of people from the different state of life can get a job in this sector, and most important things are that’s this sector haven’t any limitation because every day new things come in this sector, That’s the reason its need more and more active workforce. Now a day freelancing is a very demanding work for a self-dependent person, even students are earning money from freelancing in a different way. Lots of young boys and girls are being Blogger, YouTuber, Freelancer, and software are the thing which helps them to be like that.
5. For Government Work:

  •     There are lots of software which is only made for govt and public works. Every country or every govt have different kinds of software for protecting, informing their people. Let’s gives some example and make it clear. Like Malaysia has EMGS software, internet security protocol and lots of software to maintain the govt works. On the other hand, if we look at other countries we found the same sort of result. America, UK, German, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Russia etc control most of their works controlled by software like these countries have E-commerce portal, govt data policy and so on.
Digital World, Software and the People:

  • Digital Technologies gives us better life and software are the things which are standing at the roots of driving this modern and advanced 21st century. It’s the thing which helps us to make our imagination true, it’s the things which help us to widen our imagination and help us to build a civilization which is never before exists. For the outstanding contribution of Modern Technology, we can see the unseen and we can explore the whole world by seating in our home. The software is the things which make easier to feel that modern world. Now, we can talk with our doctors who are not in our country by using video chatting Software, We can make a virtual family by connecting family members together in a virtual world by using the software. In the present world, we don’t need to wait in the bus station for the bus we can use Software for booking bus ticket, we can hire a car by using the software. Grab, Uber, Pathao is the example for this facility. AutoCAD, Solidworks, IBM SPSS, OpenCV etc. make alive of our imagination. In present, the student doesn’t need to go to teachers house for notes they can interconnect by using Emails, Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp etc. Actually, Software is the basic equipment of this Digital World. So, we can say  If the Computer is the body of modern world Software are the soul of this body. The software is the thing which increases the speed of this Digital world.
Classification of Software by Peoples Uses:

  •      There are a thousand types of software which are made for human benefits, Which makes our world more Digitalize and attractive. Some Software is made for a single country benefits and some of are made internationally recognition. Like CIMB Clicks, Maybank, Line Calling apps are some kind of software which is made only for Malaysia. On the other hand, Pathao, Sohoz Bikroy, Rokomari, Bkash, Nexus Pay etc.  are some software which is only made for Bangladeshis. Today in this Digital world there is software which is used internationally like Snap Chat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype etc. are the most popular Software which made for connecting the whole world.

Misuses of Software by the People:

Let's start with a famous man speech “Societies will die if they don't continue to innovate,” says Werner Krebs, CEO of Acculation. Krebs says technologies are neither good nor evil on their own, but, in the right hands, can become powerful benefits to society. “We need bright and ethical people to understand our best and most powerful technologies to ensure they are used for good.”
  • The software gives us the joy to feel this modern and advanced digitalized world, but some people make misuse of this software. There are lots of software which cause very negative effects in a society like Black hat Hacking software, Virus, Antinationalisation Software etc. But there are more positive effects than negative. So, we should teach our future generation to makes the best and positive use of the software. We should make them aware of the misuse of software that they can use software for positive aspects.
  • At the End:
       Software speed up the wheel of this Digital world. It makes our life more easy and comfortable. Different kinds of software are used for different kinds of works. But the basic of software is almost the same for every software. For this digital world, software is fundamental objects for us. Almost everywhere software is used to make our work easier and more beautiful. Though software has two major categories there are lots of sub-categories of software. As the software gives us lots of things we should be aware of it’s negative and positives aspects. Finally, we can hope for a better and more advanced, Digitalized and user-friendly virtual world by using software a proper way and that’s will make our civilization more strong and live.

 All the images used in this Blog are from free sources and my own editing.


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