The Origin of Cancer in Middle-east

The Origin of Cancer in Middle-east

I don’t Know much about History maybe I made lots of mistake in this blog but before you talking about mistake, I want to I asked you some question which are given below:

1.Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel? (I mean $38
billion in 10-year is not a joke and there are more hidden transfer which 3 times higher than this $38 billion)

   2.Is it the reason for taking every decision of Israel by America?
·       3.Who the hell America declaring Jerusalem as Israel property? (I mean if America take all decision why UN is?)

·      4.Is Israel a Colonial of America? (Because Billion $ is a lot of money no one gives it without any reason)

·      5.At present Israel creating problem in middle-east or memory owner is others?

·        6.As the world leaders always told that “we work for peaceSo why thousand of Palestine child are in Israel Custody? (Recently a news by CNN shows that more than 6,000 Palestine children are in Israel custody)

·       7.Why the world leaders didn’t protest when Netanyahu says We will not allow them to be independent”

·       8.Why is Israel occupying the Palestinian territories?

·       9.Why is there fighting today between Israel and Gaza?

·       10.Why does this violence keep happening?

·       11.How is the conflict going to end?

Creating a Jewish state in Palestine was a deliberate, drawn-out and violent process. Palestinians were dispossessed of vast swathes of land. Over 80 percent of Palestinians in what became Israel in 1948 were made into refugees overnight. The process may have culminated in 1948, but it had begun in the early 20th century and it still continues today.
To create the State of Israel, Zionist forces attacked major Palestinian cities and destroyed some 530 villages. Approximately 13,000 Palestinians were killed in 1948, with more than 750,000 expelled
from their homes and becoming refugees – the climax of the Zionist movement’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Today the refugees and their descendants number more than seven million. May still Languish in refugee camps in neighboring Arab countries, waiting to return to their homeland.

Ok, Lets read the History:
More than 50 years ago, the state of Israel shocked the world when it seized the remaining Palestinian territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, as well as the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, in a matter of six days.

In a war with Egypt,
 Jordan and Syria, known as the 1967 War, or the June War, Israel delivered what came to be known as the "Naksa", meaning setback or defeat, to the armies of the neighboring Arab countries, and to the Palestinians who lost all what remained of their homeland.
The Naksa was a continuation of a prior central event that paved the way for the 1967 war. Nineteen years earlier, in 1948, the state of Israel came into being in a violent process that entailed the ethnic
cleansing of Palestine.

Zionist forces, in their mission to create a "Jewish state", expelled some 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland and destroyed their villages in the process. Shortly after Israel declared statehood, units of the neighboring Arab country armies came in to fight for the Palestinian nation.

The 1948 war ended with Israeli forces controlling approximately 78 percent of historical Palestine. The remaining 22 percent fell under the administration of Egypt and Jordan.

In 1967, Israel absorbed the whole of historical Palestine, as well as additional territory from Egypt and Syria. By the end of the war, Israel had expelled another 300,000 Palestinians from their homes, including 130,000 who were displaced in 1948, and gained territory that was three and a half times its size. 
Where does the story begin?
The three countries were forced to withdraw, and for a decade afterwards, a United
Nations peacekeeping force was installed along the Egyptian-Israeli border.

The mid-1950s and 1960s saw the rise of the Fedayeen movement - Palestinian armed resistance groups who attempted to mount attacks against Israel.

A year before the war, Israel raided the West Bank village of As Samu' in the largest military operation since the 1956 Suez Crisis, after the Palestinian Fatah group killed several Israeli soldiers. As a result, Israeli forces rounded up the town's villagers and blew up about dozens of homes. About 18 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in the attack.

Tensions between Syria and Israel was also brewing over disagreements on the use of the Jordan River water and Israeli cultivation along the border, which played a major role in leading up to the war.

On May 13, 1967, the Soviet Union falsely warned Egypt that Israel was assembling its troops to invade Syria. Under an Egyptian-Syrian defense treaty signed in 1955, the two countries were obliged to protect one another in the case of an attack on either.

Egypt then ordered the evacuation of UN troops out of Sinai and stationed its troops there. A few days later, Abdul Nasser blocked Israeli shipping in the Red Sea.
At the end of May, Egypt and Jordan signed a mutual defense pact that effectively placed the Jordanian army under Egypt's command. Iraq followed suit shortly after.
On the early morning of June 5, Israel launched a surprise attack against Egypt's airbases and destroyed the Egyptian air force while it was still on the ground, a move that unleashed the war.

The motives behind the war are a point of contention among various historians and analysts.
Some believed that Israel had "unfinished business" for failing to seize the whole of historic Palestine in the 1948 war. On the eve of the 1967 attack, Israeli minister Yigal Allon wrote: "In … a new war, we must avoid the historic mistake of the War of Independence [1948] … and must not cease fighting until we achieve total victory, the territorial fulfilment of the Land of Israel". 

Some prove about this 

Source:UN news   


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